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beginning of new paragraph As a joint activity of the ECASIA-2015 conference, several workshops will be offered Sunday 27th, 2015 at the Congress Centre of Granada, previously to the welcome reception for the conference. The offered courses consist of practical use of well-known software packages for surface analysis. For the moment, we have arranged parallel sessions of QUASES and Casa-XPS software packages presented by professors Sven Tougaard and Neal Fairley, respectively.

CasaXPS workshop  

The workshop is designed to support the use of XPS and related techniques by students and research scientists. Material presented in the workshop has developed as a consequence of interactions with many universities. In particular University of Nantes organised a CNRS Thematic Workshop in Roscoff 2013 which demonstrated the potential of these events. The duration for the workshop will be six hours on the day before ECASIA 2015, presented by Neal Fairley the creator of CasaXPS.

  • The training course will introduce new features to CasaXPS developed for the release version 2.3.17. These new features and existing functionality in CasaXPS will be presented as a sequence of lecture sessions followed by hands-on workshop sessions.
  • Workshop sessions will be based on videos and data. These videos are provided to permit subjects covered in the lecture periods to be explored using data introduced in lectures.
  • Workshop material will be available at multiple levels so individuals can choose to explore CasaXPS 2.3.17 at an appropriate level for their current knowledge, with technical support available to answer questions and provide guidance when necessary.
  • Laptops will be required by those wishing to participate in the workshop sessions. CasaXPS 2.3.17, videos and data will be provided for transfer to personal laptops

QUASES workshop  

This workshop is for students and researchers who want to make more accurate and more detailed analysis of nano-structured surfaces by XPS, using the facilities in the QUASES- Tougaard software package.

    The workshop consists of four sessions:

  • 1. An interactive lecture session where the different aspects, facilities and capabilities of the QUASES-Tougaard software package are presented and discussed. You will do simple hands on operations with the software in this session.
  • 2. Hands on: You will do a guided step by step analysis of a couple of cases. The purpose is to become familiar with the steps needed to get from the raw XPSspectra to the complete quantitative analysis of the nano-structure.
  • 3. Hands on: You will be given sets of raw XPS spectra taken from various samples. From these, you will use the software to determine the quantitative nano-structure for a handful of practical examples. You will be given individual guidance so you can advance at your own pace and users with some experience can move ahead more quickly.
  • 4. You are encouraged to bring your own spectra. In this last part of the workshop you will get personal guidance on the potential applications of QUASES to your research. Get also guidance on what spectra you should record to get most benefit for your specific research.
  • The duration of the workshop will be ~5 hours, depending on the number of participants who bring spectra for session 4.