Topic:advances in 3D prediction planning for onthognathic surgery

Thursday 24th October, Hall H

Title: 3D physical model of the skull and dentition for orthognathic surgery planning.

M.O'Neil, F. Walker, A.Ayoub & B.Khambay

A. Ayoub

Intended Learning outcomes:

1/ Comprehend the limitations of using articulators to plan the correction of dento-facial deformities.

2/ Understand the principles of 3D printing of the skull and the replacement of the distorted dentition with an accurate plaster model.

3/ Appreciate the additional information provided by the use of a 3D physical model of skull and associated dentition which may impact on surgical planning. For example the planning of condylar auto-rotation, facial asymmetry, morphology of the inferior border & ramus of the mandible, chin position and shape.